Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Prayer Corner

Thanks so much to the many of you who are praying for me. Here are a few things you can be praying about:

  • Wisdom as we follow-up with people, and that God would prepare
    those He’s called to be a part of the next Encounter Teams program

  • That my passion for this ministry would grow

  • Praise God for how He has supplied all my needs so far, and for the many that have a part in that

  • Pray for me as I prepare for my trip to Athens in January

What's Steve Up To?

What has Steve been doing lately?

Working with a few others, I’ve been busy developing promotional material for Encounter Teams, and my part in it. You can check it out:

Promo Video:


Encounter Teams Brochure:


Encounter Teams Web Site Content:


Brochure on my ministry:


I’ve also started helping with the youth group at Lincoln Road Chapel, the church I’m currently attending, and helping at the Oasis drop-in for the homeless in Kitchener, ON.

What’s next?

Between now and Christmas, I’ll be working on raising my support, and promoting Encounter Teams. This means I’ll be spending time with current & potential supporters, and contacting youth/young adult leaders, bible colleges, young adults, etc. If you’d like to meet with me, let me know, and I’d love to set up a time.

In mid-January, I’ll be going to Athens for a month, to work in a refugee center IT has there. As we are hoping to take a team there next fall, this will be a great opportunity for me to learn more about IT’s ministry to refugees, and build relationships with the staff I’ll be working with. It will
also be a great way to both broaden & deepen my ministry experience.

November 2003 Update

Tuesday November 4, 2003

Hello Friends!

Isn’t it cool how God brings things about at just the right time?

We had a conference with the IT Canada (ITC) office staff a couple weeks ago, which was a real blessing for me, right when I needed it. The work I’m currently doing in preparation for the next team, while quite important, isn’t what I’m most passionate about. It began feeling more like routine work, rather than the exciting ministry I’ll be involved in soon.

At the conference, we spent some time looking back on some significant memories within ITC, were updated on what has been happening lately, had some good teaching, and had some great times of prayer for each of us in our ministries. It was encouraging to see how God has worked and is continuing to work in the ministries and people I’m currently working with in the office. It was also a great reminder that what I’m doing now, while just for a time, is still a vital ministry.

A coworker reminded me of another cool thing that God orchestrated at just the right time. He mentioned that “God has equipped you over the past years with tools and experiences to help with developing the promotional materials for Encounter Teams – some skills & experiences that don't exist in the present leadership.” Perhaps that was one of the reasons God has kept me in the office as long as He has. And it is exciting to be able to use the abilities God has given me. Praise Him!

I had another encouraging time recently studying 1 Corinthians 12, about the body. As believers, we are not going it alone, but are all interdependent members of one body. When one of us suffers, we all suffer. When we all play our part, we are stronger. God has made each of us uniquely with different gifts and abilities, with different roles to play. We are all vital.

God has given me the privilege to be a part of an exciting ministry to young adults. But only a part. For this ministry to be a success there are many people that must play a role. Without encouragers, teachers, leaders, friends, advisors, givers, prayer warriors, etc., we’d be dead in the water. All of us have some role to play in God’s kingdom work. Perhaps God has called you to play a role in this ministry. Would you consider taking part? Here are a few things you could do:

  • We are planning to send out 4 month teams in May and September of next year. In order for this to happen, we need people to sign up by early January and early May. If you know anyone that could be a good candidate, would you begin praying for them, and encourage them to consider Encounter Teams?

  • Finances are necessary to make any of this a reality. Praise God for how he’s supplied so far. While I’ve been working at the ITC office, I’ve been able to live with my parents, and have had sufficient funds to survive. Once I start traveling however, expenses are certain to go up. I’m currently at 32% of my target budget, so have a ways to go in order to make this feasible long-term. For the short term I’ll need another $700/month by May 2004 in order to be able to go with that team.

  • Prayer is the lifeblood of what we do here. Would you consider becoming a part of the team that has committed to pray for me?

Would you pray about how God would have you serve in His work. If you feel called to any of these things, let me know, and I’d be happy to provide you any additional information you might need.

Thanks so much for standing with me. May God richly bless you.

For His glory,
