Tuesday May 18, 2004
God knows exactly what He's doing!
Isn't it cool to be able to look back, and see what God's been able to do, especially when things weren’t obvious at the time? The last few years of my life have been like that. Since Encounter Teams got shut down at Christmas, I have wondered what God’s been up to. But God's been at work in everything around me, and as I look back, I'm able to see some really exciting things.
During the last few months of transition to my new role, I’ve been able to work on various projects at the office – things that will help us to be more effective in helping to mobilize and sustain our missionaries in the field, that more might hear the gospel. So while at times, I wondered why I wasn’t jumping into “My New Role”, I was able to be involved in kingdom-building work. God knew what needed to be done, and who was able to do it.
During this time, some new opportunities have also developed in the area of refugee ministry in Kitchener-Waterloo that look like a better fit for me than what I likely would have gotten into had I jumped in a few months earlier. Isn’t it great to know that an all-knowing God is the one directing our paths?
This time has also been quite beneficial for Grace. In addition to having the chance to shape a role that she can be a part of, God has been using the time to help her work through some of the stresses that come with ministry life. Grace has, from day one, been supportive of me in where God is calling me, but at the same time has found the idea of living on support pretty scary. Over the last few months, God has been at work in her in that area in all sorts of ways, preparing her for this new life. It’s been exciting to see related discussions come up in small group, chances for her to talk with other missionaries about this, etc. I guess God is good at preparing people for what He calls them to.
It has been exciting to be able to share what God has been doing in my life and ministry with some of you, and to see how God has provided up to this point. One of my financial supporters recently indicated that as his wedding gift, he’s planning to raise his monthly support for our ministry. What an encouragement that’s been to us. I’d love to chat with more of you in the coming months about what God has been doing, so if I don’t track you down first, please feel free to ask!
Thanks so much for your continued interest, prayer, and support of our ministry. Please pray:
- That God would continue to guide as details of our ministry fall into place.
- That He would be protecting us as we prepare for marriage and ministry together. The evil one would like nothing better than to sidetrack us, so please pray that his efforts are confounded.
- Praise God for how He continues to provide. Please keep praying that more people would catch the vision as we begin communicating in the coming months where God is taking us.
Thanks so much for standing with us!
For His glory,