Recently, funding has been tight, and I haven't been as busy as I could be.
At the same time, International Teams has been struggling to communicate with our various constituents as well as we could. Part of the problem in this area has been a lack of people to help pull it off effectively.
So our leaders put two and two together, and decided that I was just the person to help pull this off. As I've already been doing quite a bit of web development and graphic design, my role has now evolved to one in which that is my primary role. Rather than reporting to our head computer guy, and doing projects for the department responsible for communication, I'm now reporting to them directly. I expect I'll still do some computer projects from time to time, and will continue to be our
The change also involves some money. In this role, IT is able to free up more budget to supplement the support I raise from churches, friends & family. This past year, they've been putting $400/month towards my support. Starting in April, this is going up to $1000. Praise God! I still have more to raise to be where I should be, but this is certainly a big help!
Feel free to ask questions about these changes, or connect with me for any other reason too! (my contact info should be in the contact area of this site.)