Zane Tavish Van Bruwaene was born on July 1 at 6:49 am, weighing 8 pounds, 7 ounces.
The labour lasted for 7 hours (45 hours less than with Aris), with no major interventions. Grace has been recovering well, although is still rather tired, and sore.
My parents say that Zane looks very much like his father did at that age, except that Zane has hair.
For those interested, here are meanings of his names:
Zane: God is gracious or God's gracious gift. A form of John. (Hebrew)
Tavish: A twin. A form of Thomas. (Scottish Gaelic)
God has truly been gracious to us, and this also seemed like a neat way to name him after his grandfathers (John is my dad, and Tom is Grace's dad).
Thanks for all your prayers. Please continue to pray for Zane's continued health, Grace's recovery, and protection for Grace from postpartum depression.
Your Friends,
Steve & Grace.
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