My days are quite full with both Aris and Zane. Aris is three now (hard to believe) and Zane is ten months old. Aris can count to thirteen reliably (higher than that the numbers get mixed up). And she can spell both her name and her favorite thing — her sucky.
Today Aris pooped in her potty (a big achievement), and so she got to go to the candy store to get a reward. She wanted chocolate-covered grasshoppers, but they were all out, so instead she got flavored
larvae (worms). Yes, she is strange.
Zane also enjoys putting weird and wonderful things in his mouth. This week alone, I have fished out a snail shell, magnets, stones and wiped away lots of dirt.
We are all enjoying the wonderful weather and most of Zane's enjoyment and exploration seems to be orally. Zane is now crawling and pulling himself up so he is in to everything.
Aris is learning what Zane can't eat. However she is not above helping her brother with his explorations. I was hanging out laundry when I noticed that Aris was feeding her brother dirt. :)
Life is never ever dull around here. :)