Friday, September 28, 2007

Growing like a … what?

Aris ready to go to schoolThis September, Aris started kindergarten. She is absolutely loving school, and other than a minor meltdown the night before her first day, there have been no tears. At least not shed by her. Zane, however, took her absence quite hard. I haven't cried, but I am amazed at how big my children are getting. It's hard to believe that my child is old enough to go to school.

Zane & ArisMy baby isn't a baby either anymore. He talks in sentences, he answers the phone and he's also demonstrated that he has a long term memory. Yesterday as we were walking to school, Aris asked me where my watch was. My watch has been missing for many months, last seen in Zane's possession near the couch. I explained that I didn't know where it was, but that I thought Zane had hidden it. Five minutes after we returned home, Zane handed me my watch! I was amazed, both by getting my watch back and by the levels of memory and comprehension that action displayed.

Not only is Zane showing lots of growth, I have watched Aris change as well. Her motor skills have improved greatly, as evidenced both by her drawings and her computer skills. Yes, that's right...both of my children love to play on the computer. The trick is to make sure it's their games they're playing and that they aren't just randomly pushing buttons.

Grace & ArisThe kids aren't the only things growing around here. I have begun to create a beautiful garden from my patch of dirt. Although the squirrels are my enemy, I have still managed to create a space that makes me happy. One of this weeks highlights was seeing my toad lily bloom for the very first time.

As my plants have grown and blossomed, so has my belly! I'm 20 weeks, but look a lot bigger. The baby is becoming quite active. We suspect that this one is going to be spirited just based on how hard he/she kicks. Although I'm fascinated by how my children are growing up and changing, I’m looking forward to cuddling a wee one again. And now I must go make cookies… blessings, Gracie :)

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