Enoka is the national leader of Impact Southern Sudan and the Director of SERM, an International Teams partner organization that equips and trains pastors. International Teams provided SERM with bicycles that they use to deliver the gospel to neighbouring villages and tribes. In addition, with the help of International Teams, Enoka is building schools for his people in Kajo Keji, Southern Sudan.
In thousands of villages across Africa, children fortunate enough to afford uniforms attend mud-walled schools with straw roofs. Every year during the rainy season the entire structure is weakened or often washed away and must be rebuilt.
With the help of International Teams, Enoka is rebuilding schools out of solid brick with galvanized steel roofs.
The government and local leaders have even started to take notice. Nevertheless, in spite of being a respected elder in his community, every weekend Enoka crosses the border back into Uganda to his home in the Adjumani refugee camp. Enoka's strong sense of place and commitment to his people keeps him in Kajo Keji and Adjumani building schools, preaching the gospel and leading his people.
You can help Enoka build schools in Southern Sudan. To donate to this great program, go to https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/donate.aspx?EventID=26061&LangPref=en-CA.
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