Potty training has been an adventure. Between May and August, Aris usually did No. 2 in her pull-ups, usually about 15 minutes after we put her to bed. I was beginning to fear that using the potty would never happen. But the tide changed this fall. She’s now fully trained — even at night. Aside from a couple of wet beds, we’ve had no accidents in almost a month!
Zane has been growing and learning lots too. He’s become quite a
climber, and is getting into everything! Several times, Grace has found him sitting on top of our 5-foot high entertainment unit. He also seems to be fascinated with technology. It’s a wonder he hasn’t wiped out our computer yet! Recently, he managed to partially disassemble the bathroom scale. We still haven’t found some missing parts. Perhaps he’s destined for a technical field of some sort.
Zane has also been learning lots of other stuff too. He’s talking more, and we’re even starting to understand him! He has also learned to take his shirt off. While it’s exciting to see him develop, it is frustrating to see him come down the stairs with no shirt when we’re trying to hurry out the door.
Aris’s fall has been a stretching one. One of her grandmothers was quite sick, in the hospital for a couple of weeks. Aris had a really hard time with that. She’s been praying faithfully for her grandma though, and has seen those prayers answered. It’s been exciting to see her deepening interest and understanding in spiritual things.
Both kids have discipline issues ranging from tempers to trouble sharing to making messes. After seeing the kids for a few hours some days, I’m amazed Grace is still sane. She may be dealing with stuff that’s universal to motherhood, but I still think she’s amazing.
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