Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Steve's latest update

For those of you for whom this is the first such email, welcome! I send out a prayer letter periodically to those whom I think might be interested in hearing what God has been up to in my life. If you know others who might be interested, please feel free to forward this to them, or let me know, and I can add them to the list. If you'd rather not receive this for any reason (or would prefer to receive letters less often), please let me know, and I'll be happy to update my list.

Tuesday January 21, 2003

Hello all! Sorry I've been so long in writing. A lot has happened since my November 25th email.

As most of you know, I finished my job in Ottawa at the end of November, to begin my new position with International Teams Canada. I arrived in Elgin Illinois (near Chicago) last Thursday (Jan. 16) to begin a 4-month training program International Teams offers for all their full-time missionaries out in the field.

It's been fun getting to know the wonderful people here, and interesting to start figuring out how to live in the United States. I was giving some Americans a ride after class yesterday, and they got a little nervous about my driving till they discovered my speedometer was in kilometres rather than miles. Trying to figure out miles, gallons, US dollars, etc. makes life interesting for me at times as well.

Yesterday was Martin Luther King day here in the US, so we spent some time looking at the issues surrounding him. It was an interesting time. My initial reaction was one of pride -- us Canadians are far superior to the Americans on the issue of racism -- we don't have the negative history the Americans do on that particular issue. As they had a time of corporate confession before God for the sins of their forefathers, the church, and themselves, I started thinking more about it. It hit me that while we may not have been as guilty in discriminating against African-Americans, there are many other people groups that we tend to marginalize, and not really want to spend too much time with. Anyhow, I don't need to go on too long about that, but thought you might appreciate hearing a taste of the impact another "culture" can have on on a person -- even if it be just across the border!

The last couple of months have been special ones. I've had the opportunity to see many friends and family, and have had some very special times with many of them. I was in Ottawa again in early January for a few days, and was hit by how special my friends are there, and how I'm going to miss the city. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people as you (both those from Ottawa, and elsewhere) in my life. Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words, prayer, and interest in my life over the last few months. I'll certainly enjoy hearing from all of you, and connecting more personally than in these "mass" emails. Please write to let me know what's going on in your lives!

In the last few months, I've been reading about Elijah, Elisha, many of the kings in the Old testament, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. It's been interesting to see the differences in the lives of those who listened, followed God, had faith that He Would keep His promises, and those who trusted in themselves and did what they thought best. The result of Abraham's obedience (God establishing the old covenant with Israel) was very challenging to me. Am I willing to do Anything God calls me to do? Oh that I would keep my trust placed firmly on Him rather than relying on myself.

It has been exciting to see how God has provided thus far in raising up partners in this ministry. I now have 26 people committed to praying for me -- some of them weekly or even daily, and there are many others that I know are praying. Financially, I'm at about 30% of my target budget, and along with my own savings, have sufficient funds to cover my training costs. Praise God for His provision! If you would like to be involved in this ministry in any way, please let me know.

Thanks so much for your faithful prayer. Here are a few things to bring before our heavenly father:

  • Praise God for the great opportunity I have to learn a whole bunch of stuff that will be helpful in my new role. Pray that my heart would be open to ALL God has to teach me

  • Pray that God would be guiding those He will call to be a part of the next Encounter Team, and that He would give wisdom to those considering applicants

  • Praise God for how He as provided for all my needs thus far, and that He will continue to provide where He has called

  • Praise God for those who have joined my team, and pray that God would bless them for their prayer & generosity

May God richly bless you!
