Monday, January 17, 2005

A great year!

Hello all!

This is just a quick note to let you all know that God has been very good this past month! In my last letter, I mentioned that finances were rather tight for Grace and I. Well people responded big, and for the month of December we received a total of just over $10,000 (over 6 times the average month, and more than a third of our total gifts for 2004). Praise God! While this doesn't take us to where we need to be long term, it will make great strides in paying our monthly bills for 2005. God is so good.

Grace and I have also changed our number at home (so we don't need to share the line with the family upstairs anymore). Please contact us if you'd like it.

Have a great weekend! I'll look forward to connecting with you all.

Your Friend,
