Monday, October 15, 2007

The Ride is over, but there's still lots to be done

Steve in the 2007 Ride for RefugeesHello again friends!

I completed the Ride for Refugees this past weekend. I think I must have been crazy -- since I graduated from university 9.5 years ago, I've ridden my bike twice -- in last year's ride, and this year's. This year, At the turn-around point for the 25K route, I was feeling good enough that I decided to keep going. The 50K route was a figure 8 with a 36k loop plus a 14k loop that met at home base. So I did 36K. And that's a pretty bad idea for someone who's not in shape. I shutter to think of what most refugees put themselves through to escape. What I did was nothing in comparison.

But I did make it back. Yay!

Not only did I succeed, but the event also did much better than previous years. Between the 3 locations, we had over 600 riders, and have so far raised over $200,000 that will go to more than 35 different ministries working with Refugees. And we're not done yet -- there's still more donations to be entered into the system (lots of volunteers working hard this week), and more coming in. In fact, you can still be a part of helping us reach our goal of $250,000. Just click on
and you can give to this cause with your credit card.

Thanks so much for your interest and help!


Friday, October 5, 2007

Ride for Refugees: Will you sponsor me?

Greetings Friends,

As many of you know, I've been working with International Teams in getting all sorts of resources together so we can run the Ride for Refugees this year.  I hadn't decided if I'd actually ride though till, well today.  After several people talked about sponsoring me, I figured maybe I should do it!

I'm emailing you to ask for your help. On October 13th, 2007, I'm going to ride in the fourth annual Ride for Refugees. The event goal is $250,000 and I'm looking to raise my fair share of that good goal.

Would you please sponsor me?

There are over 35 million refugees in the world. Many are coming to Canada and they need support as they adjust to our Canadian way of life. Imagine snow for the first time. Imagine if the letters all ran backwards to what you were familiar with. Imagine being alienated from your friends and family? They need our support.

Please help me reach my goal and help these vulnerable people too.

To give, go online to
Once there you can donate with any credit card to my personal fundraising goal.

Thank you so much

Stephen Van Bruwaene

International Teams Canada is a registered charity in Canada. Our Audited financial statements are available online at CCRA or - for more information about the Ride for Refugees, online giving security, International Teams or any other question concerning this event, please contact Brian Carney, Ride Chairman by email at or directly at 519-669-8844 (233).