Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Greetings Friends!

Hello all!  I trust you are doing well.

As many of you know, Grace and I are expecting, and the baby is almost ready to arrive!  Grace is due June 21, so it could be any time now.  Grace is wanting to get the baby out!  And I am very excited too.

Could you be praying for all of us during this exciting time, that everything would go well -- that Grace and the little one would be healthy, that Aris would adjust well to being a big sister, and that I and others around them would know how best to be a support.

Another area of prayer is for Grace afterwards.  While she did not suffer postpartum depression with Aris, she is at somewhat higher risk than many, so please be praying that she's protected from it this time too.

Thanks so much.  I'll look forward to sending another email when the baby arrives!

Your Friend,