Monday, July 16, 2007

Exciting New News!

Hello all!

We've got some exciting new news!  Grace and I are expecting!  The due date set for the baby is February 11, 2008.

Grace and I are quite excited about this new addition to our family. Aris is also excited to have baby to help take care of.  Zane seems kidna excited, although We're not quite sure how much he understands about this yet.

The addition of another person to our family will have some impact on our needs.  The place we are currently living in should continue to serve us well for the next few years, if not longer.  The main immediate need is in the area of transportation.  Our car only has space for 2 car seats.  As such, we're going to need to replace it with something bigger before too long. Would you pray for us in this area?

We'll try to get a newsletter out before too long with more info on where we're at, what's going on in our ministry, etc.

Thanks for your continued prayers!

Steve & Grace.